Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Giving Back To The Society

Giving Back To The Society

Our Team operated more than 60 patients for a variety of diseases completely Free of cost. It was amazing to find one person with Bilateral mature cataract, means he could not see, and was using white stick and living life since more than 2 years. Cataract is the most easily treatable Blindness.
Many patients were also treated on and Outpatient basis.

All the surgeries were performed under Strict Hygienic notified conditions and the patients were also given post operative medicines to complete the Treatment.

A sense of Peace and solace felt and achieved and share with all the Good Blessings recieved from them.

I thank the ALMIGHTY, that he has chosen me and given me the Atoned skills to spread the Good in the society.

Dr. Jigar Bathia Operating


Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven (Subtitulado Esp.+ Lyrics) Madison Squa...: http://youtu.be/rAlJ_qr9vvs

Friday, 20 March 2015

Lens extraction should be considered for Open Angle Glaucoma


Lens extraction for primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) results in good long-term control of intraocular pressure (IOP), and should be considered among the armamentarium of approaches to treat PACG — especially for patients who have hyperopia, or a thick and anteriorly vaulted lens, according to a report in Current Opinion in Ophthalmology.
The authors of the report note that anatomical opening of the angle, IOP reduction, and improved vision are all benefits cited by proponents of lens extraction in PACG.
The evidence base for ophthalmic surgeons to consider lens extraction in the management of PACG has grown stronger recently thanks to randomized controlled trials, case-control studies and cohort studies. Such studies have also added to the discussion of whether trabeculectomy or goniosynechialysis should be combined with lens extraction.
New insights have also been gained thanks to imaging modalities, such as anterior segment optical coherence tomography, that are providing information on the mechanical features of the lens in angle closure.